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Mrs. Kimberly Hill » Mrs. Hills Home Page

Mrs. Hills Home Page

Welcome to Mrs. Hill's Classroom Room # 840
Earth Science, Natural Resources and Management, Greenhouse, Physical Science Teacher
Agricultural Club Adviser and Co-Adviser Science Olympiad 

Regents Physical Setting Earth Science Syllabus


Mrs. Hill

Introduction:  Earth Science is the study of the Earth and its location in the universe.  Earth Science is actually the study of three sciences; astronomy (motions of Earth and objects in space), meteorology (short and long term weather conditions), and geology (study of the solid earth).  As a student of Earth science you need to start to be an observant of the world we live in, pay attention to weather, landscapes, the night sky, and things like the sun’s daily motions. Being aware of what is going on around you will truly help you with the Earth science concepts.

Course Outline: (Topics for the Year)

  1. Introduction
  2. Composition of Earth
  3. Surface Processes on Earth
  4. The Atmosphere and Oceans
  5. Dynamic Earth (Earthquakes and Earth’s interior)
  6. Geologic Time
  7. Resources and Environment
  8. Beyond Earth

Textbook:  Earth Science (Geology, the Environment and the Universe) Glencoe (McGraw-Hill)

Review book: will be purchased at the end of the 3rd quarter.  Usually the price of the review book is around $15.00.

Class Materials:  These materials need to be brought to class each day along with the class textbook.

  • Large 3 – ring binder/Book covers are mandatory.         
  • Loose leaf paper, index cards     
  • Writing utensil (pencils for lab)         
  • ESRT (Earth Science Reference Tables) handed out the first day         

Classroom Policies (Rules)

  • Be on time
  • Bring your materials
  • Be respectful of the teacher and others (No Hats and No Gum)

Just remember the 4 C’s

  1. Come on time and be prepared.
  2. Care enough to do your best.
  3. Consider the feelings of others.
  4. Cooperate.

Grading Policies:  Grading will be comprised of: tests, quizzes, homework and laboratory reports.

Homework – 10% of grade (homework given almost everyday)

If you are absent from class it is necessary that you see us on your return to school to obtain the homework assignment for that missed period you will be held responsible for it.

Test and Quizzes – 80% of grade (tests count twice quizzes count once) (Expect a Quiz a week if not more)

Laboratory – 10% of class grade.

Laboratory Reports:

To be eligible to take the regents all students must have satisfactorily completed the lab requirement.  All labs reports must be completed.   Failure to complete the reports could mean repeating the course.  Each student will be given a lab folder on the first day of lab.  The folders are not to leave the room. The students may take home a lab to work on it but only that lab all others must stay in the room.

If a student is absent for a lab period the lab must be made up and it is your (the students) responsibility to see us about a make-up time.  All labs are due the next lab period unless other wise stated. Do not fall behind in lab.  Laboratory Safety and lab write up will be gone over the first day of class.


Please read this course syllabus with your child, sign below have it returned to me.  I am also requesting that if your child has a problem with a topic or concept that they stay after school.  If this is a problem please just check the appropriate box. If you have any questions now or throughout the school year please email me at [email protected] or call me at 265-2000 (ext. 840) at the school  Thank you. I am looking forward to the year ahead with your child.

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date

Student Signature: Date

My child can stay after school

My child cannot stay after school